About Us: We are delighted to be able to build on the success of our existing Doctoral Training Centre with our new ESRC Doctoral Training Partnership (DTP) (Read more)
Our students are of the utmost importance and we are still working remotely and available to support you during these very difficult times. Please note that we are monitoring the situation around coronavirus on a daily basis and you can find all the latest information on the main University website.
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We would like to remind you of the support and care around wellbeing that you can find within the University during this difficult time when we are all required to distance ourselves socially. Your supervisor and Department are your primary source for duty of care but there are many other services and websites that can be...
Working from home remains the default position for those students who can do so - any return is dependent on the Building Taskforce determining if the building can be reopened and the specific activities for your research can restart
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The ESRC DTP is looking forward to welcoming over 40 students in receipt of an offer for a DTP studentship with us. We understand that this is an anxious time for students keen to take up their place in October; please be assured that we are doing everything we can to make this possible and we will be in touch with you...
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See all the latest advice for all Cambridge ESRC DTP Students